Its Your Karma

Biological Clock

Biological Clock

The biological clock is intimately connected to an individual’s personal life, which encompasses seven main stages.


The first stage, from conception to the age of seven, is when a person physically and vitally adapts to the world.


The second stage, spanning the next seven years, is marked by the development of the etheric, or life, body as the individual enters their teens. Many fail to transition into emotional-sexual maturity during this time, which can hinder spiritual growth unless they pursue conscious self-transcendence.


The third stage, from approximately fifteen to twenty-one years of age, involves the development of the thinking mind and will. Maturity in this stage means taking integrated responsibility for one’s entire being, a prerequisite for those seeking to embark on a spiritual journey.


The fourth stage is characterized by a spiritually enlightened life dedicated to divine contemplation and selfless service.


The fifth stage transcends awareness of the gross physical plane, with attention focused on the subtle, dreamlike realms of the mind.


In the sixth stage, perception and interpretation are no longer confined to the desires and goals of the individuated body-mind, leading to a temporary realization of the Divine.


Contact us today for a one-on-one consultation.

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